A quick snapshot of the last 5 weeks on the golf course regarding the Grounds Department.
Weather: The weather has been very dry across the course during the past month with above average temperatures. Killara has received 5mm of rain from the period of Monday 19th August to Wednesday 25th September. This is a nice change considering the above average rainfall Killara has received in recent years. On the flip side, it has been very windy and warm as we enter Spring. We have received several days of very high wind, and this has caused plenty of limbs, sticks and debris to be spread across the course. The Grounds Team have continued to try and present the course clean and tidy during these windy days. The above average temperatures have encouraged early growth to all warm season grasses.
Greens: The course was closed on Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th September following the Clubs Founders Day 125th celebrations. During this time, we conducted our coring program on the greens. The coring program is generally a yearly maintenance requirement to alleviate the greens profile from compaction, reduce thatch build up and promote air movement within the soil profile. The maintenance consisted of the following tasks:
1.Coring machine fitted with a 5/8-inch hollow tine core.
2.The cores are picked up and removed from the greens surface.
3.Greens are cleaned off with backpack blowers to remove excess sand, cores and debris.
4.Greens are rolled and levelled.
5.Sand applied and broomed into the core holes.
6.Amendments and fertilsers applied to promote new growth.
The greens are recovering well post greens renovation, we will begin to increase the frequency of cutting, rolling and dusting leading into the Club Championships.
Upcoming works on the greens:
1.PoaCure application – A product designed to remove unwanted ‘Poa annua’ from the ‘Pure Distinction’ greens.
2.Regular dusting and mowing program to encourage the greens recovery after the coring maintenance.
3.Monthly applications of organic fertilisers and soil amendments.
Spraying: We have concluded our first application of preventative insecticide of ‘Acelepryn’ through the entire golf course; tees, fairways, green surrounds and roughs. This product will give us protection from pests like billbug, scarab beetle, black beetle which can affect warm season grasses.
General Maintenance: The Grounds Team have also been busy over the past 5 weeks preparing the golf course for the125th anniversary celebrations and the general set up each morning for competition play.
Loren Wood – Acting Grounds Manager