I thought it timely as we head into 2021 to provide you with an outline of the progress that has been made during the year in the Club’s strategic planning processes and let you know what can be expected from the process in the coming months.
Firstly, in respect of appointments I am pleased to advise that David Irvine, the Club’s Treasurer, has accepted an invitation to join the Strategic Planning Committee effective January 1, 2021. David’s history and participation in the workings of the Club during his time as Treasurer will add considerable value to the Strategic Planning Committee.
The Strategic Planning Committee is now comprised of the following members:
Rod Read (Chairman)
Patricia Biszewski
Rob Crittenden
Mark Gallagher
Laurie Glanfield
David Irvine
David McElhone
Geoff McWilliam
John Wynne
David Gazzoli (GM)
With the golf course refurbishment now well advanced, the indoor practice facility operational and the work recently commenced on the short game practice area, the Club is now in a position to realise the last of the priorities identified by Members in the 2017 Survey that will help the Club to fulfil its vision to have the best golf course and club facilities on the North Shore.
Following the assistance and advice provided by the Strategic Planning Committee during the lengthy rezoning process that was concluded in 2019, the Committee has been tasked with providing advice to the Board as to how best the Club can address the third of the priorities identified by Members in the 2017 Member Survey: the upgrade of Clubhouse and associated amenities and facilities.
Specifically the Board has provided the Committee with a brief as follows:
To undertake the preparation of two proposals for consideration of the Board and the Members;
One proposal is to create an entirely new Clubhouse and all required facilities.
The second proposal is to refurbish /extend the existing Clubhouse in order to provide all required facilities. This may or may not include a separate sports annex.
A pre-condition of both proposals is that the Club remain operational to a high standard during the delivery of the project.
During the last 12 months the Committee has undertaken a considerable amount of research and preparatory work on the two proposals and has reported its progress regularly to the Board.
The point has now been reached where the benefits of professional project management are required. Following a competitive process the Board has accepted a recommendation from the Strategic Planning Committee to appoint Touchstone Partners to assist with the preparation of the two proposals. We welcome James Mah-Chut , Tracy Hoven and members of the Touchstone team to the project.
The reporting deadlines for this phase of the project are short. The Board will receive an interim progress report in March 2021 and a Final report in September 2021. The Board will then put in place a Member consultation process that provides all Members with the opportunity to examine and comment on the Proposals.
Any future facility works undertaken by the Club will be determined by Members.
We will keep you informed as the project progresses.
On behalf of the Board and Members I would like to express my thanks to the Strategic Planning Committee and the Committee members for their commitment to assist the Club in the planning and delivery of future facilities.
Mike Clarey
29th January 2021